My Sister had her baby last month
Joshua works 12 hour shifts at Berry Plastics. He has for awhile. He seems to like, so do I, he gets everyother weekend off and 2 days off during the week.
Tayeshun and Cooper are going to Vacation Bible School this week. They both seem to enjoy it! Dekon is 20 months old already!
I have a new boss..she seems nice but haven't really gotten to know to her yet. She takes over in August. The new boss and old will be gone the last week of July which puts me in charge!
My 10 year class reunion is at the end of July, it will be nice to see everyone again! Well almost..I know some people can't make it which is ashame but I understand we are getting older and get busy!
That is about all I can think of for right now.

Nora Kalean Lindsey
June 24, 2010
7 lbs 0.5 oz
19 inches long