Today Cooper turns 5! I didn't think it bugged me that much til I woke up and took my blood sugar and it was over 100, it is supposed to be under 95. I then ate what I usually eat in the morning and it was 130, supposed to be under 120! So I am thinking it bothered me a little more than I thought....Anyway..
He asked me to make M&M cookies for his birthday treat at school, so being certified in food service and teach a nutrition class at daycare, I sent carrots too! When he got home from school Josh made him a cake with sprinkles, as requested. Then Grandma called and brought over his present, a couple of Power Rangers, all he wants now! New..old he doesn't care as long as they are Power Rangers.
We are holding off on a party for him since he is still to young for a "friends" party, they get that after they have been in school, and his cousins are in sports along with Taye. So October we will have a birthday party for Cooper and Dekon at Smith's pumpkin patch, hayride and con mase included! But we are taking him to Chuck E. Cheese on Saturday and we told him he could pick 1 school friend. He picked a girl! I said are you sure and he said yes..I want Taryn! We got a phone call tonight and she gets to go!! He is super excited, Zoe also gets to go along!
He got 2 phone calls tonight too! Merak and Madden called to sing "Happy Birthday" his face just lite up when they did that! And then Nini called and her and Zoe talked to him. I think that boy talked more on the phone to people than I do on my birthday!