Monday, May 3, 2010

Life As I know It

So my Husband's job SUCKS!! So many people are leaving or being fired and there is only a like 4 "press operators" left on 3rd shift and they are making them work manditory over time. This week he has to go in early Monday, Wednesday and Friday (usually a day off). So his 2 days he goes in at normal time we (Taye and Cooper) have soccer!
Then, I work at daycare and don't work full time, get payed once a MONTH. So if, I said IF we have any time together we don't have the funds to go anywhere.
Why didn't anyone ever tell us growing up sucks??

Ok...enough whining! On a good note Dekon and I get to go to the zoo with Cooper's head start class tomorrow. That should be fun, I just hope Dekon is good and I remember to stop an get Niki's stroller for him. I'm gonna be so angry if I forget that stroller!

Happy Monday!

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