I wasn't feeling well when I went to bed, I got up every hour for 3 hours (throwing up and what not). I ended taking a stool softener because of my iron pill (TMI, Sorry) But started having cramping in my stomach so I figured it was just horrible gas. A little before 3 I hollared for Josh because I felt light headed. I guess I passed out about 10/15 minutes later. He called 911 because he couldn't get me awake or to even respond. (Keep in mind I was in the bathroom on the toilet) I could hear Josh talking to me and then suddenly there were more voices, I got confused, but they were talking to, not sure what was being said other than I had dark polish so my blood oxygen levels wouldn't read with the finger thing and then they asked me if I could stand? I couldn't talk but I could grunt something like yes and no. So I grunted no, my legs had gone to sleep sitting there. They couldn't get me to stand to sit in the chair so they had to get the board. I slowly came too as I was being carried throught the maze of furnature and walls, I remember my arms hitting the door frames, my feet sliding off and almost being dropped. I got 1 eye open and realised I was on the porch wrapped in 2 blankets and only in under ware around my knees. (BRRR and embarassing!!)I got picked up again and was being taken off the porch, where they had problems again, they were still talking to me and I got my voice back, I could see KTM and focused more...my DAD was there, outside with me! I said HI Dad several times but I don't think he heard me. I closed my eyes again, it was 3 something in the morning and I was tired, I was then put in the back of an ambulance and headed up to Iowa Falls. She kept calling me Brittany LOL She then got an IV in, didn't hurt from what I recall, while going down the road and checked my vitals. She called ahead to EMH, told them I was coming in and out and my blood pressure was low and blood sugar was 200. The ambulance pulled over so they could roll me over onto my left side (my back was killing me by this point!) I was in the ER where I finally pulled my under ware up and was covered with 2 warm blankets and a heater hose put under the blankets. Had more tests done and it ended up being my potassium levels were low, blood pressure was low and blood sugar was 190! I spent 3 1/2 hours in the ER. I was even given some grippy socks, sweat pants AND a gown so I could be covered up while I walked the halls and went home.
My dad ended up staying at my house with 3 sleeping boys and 1 scared Tayeshun! Josh called my Mom on the way home to see if the boys were up and ready for school. I talked to Taye to let him know I was ok.
I am sure there are things being left out of this story and Joshua would have more to add. But I have had 2 naps already today, feel "normal" from time to time. Joshua and I have cried time to time about this because it's not the first time it happened and it doesn't get any easier. I want to thank everyone that came to my rescue early this morning!