Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
28 weeks
I went in for my 28 week check, my Doctor measured me and we heard his strong heartbeat. Next I had to do what I dread the most, drank the lovely orange drink. Joshua was asking me what it tasted like and as I was drinking I tried to explain, my Doctor said save a little and let him taste it! So I did and he LIKED it!?! Maybe I'm just crazy, because my Doctor said she didn't mind it either. While waiting for the hour to pass we ran to Walmart and finally decided what we are getting the kids for Christmas. Went back and got poked, fun fun! The next morning I got a call saying my test came back good...GOOD 102!! I don't have gestational diabetes!!!! I was told to keep up the good work!
It hit me the other day after Christmas I will only have about a month left!?! I am super excited to meet the little man, pretty sure I know what he will look like. Just wondering on his size of head! lol
It hit me the other day after Christmas I will only have about a month left!?! I am super excited to meet the little man, pretty sure I know what he will look like. Just wondering on his size of head! lol
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Today Cooper told me when I die I will become a *star* in the sky! I then asked him if he would talk to me? He looked at me puzzled and said but you would be dead I said yes but if I am a star you can talk to me every night! He then asked me how he will know which star I am? I told him when he looks in the sky he will know. I will be the brightest star up there! He then asks me when I am going to grow old and die?
Friday, November 5, 2010
Happy Birthday Dekon
Here is the blog I wrote on myspace Novemeber 7, 2008:
So I started having contractions Tuesday mid morning. I was put into the hospital, things were going well, I was dilating slowly but surely. Doctor broke my water. time passes... See who our new president is.....contractions so strong. Things turn bad. His heartbeat pretty much stops, I'm fading in and out from being so tired. All the sudden I hear GET HER DOWNSTAIRS NOW! Josh wasn't allowed to come in with me. They knock me out and perform an emergency C-Section. (Which includes NO, ZERO, NADA pain medicine!) I come to ask what floor I'm on and if he's ok. They tell me things are fine. I get upstairs and Josh asks me what I want his name to be (we still hadn't set on one), I told him to pick. Josh comes back tells me is name is Dekon, it just fit. Then I hear they are sending my little one to Des Moines because he's not breathing on his own. So I get to see him, no holding, touching, see him and off he goes. I find out Josh hadn't even gotten to hold him!
We got calls and called Des Moines to see how he is doing, things are going good. He is breathing on his own and messing with a bottle. I got discharged at noon today, little over 24 hours later. I STILL HURT VERY MUCH, but vicodin is my friend and keeping me from crying when I move! We went up and saw Dekon today. And we were told begining of next week he should be able to come home. He just needs to learn to suck and swallow. Same problem Cooper had.
Dekon Jonas Warren Gardner, born November 5th, 2008 at 2:24 am
He weighed 5 lbs. 15 oz and was 17 inches long! Just a tiny thing!
IT IS SO HARD TO BELIEVE 2 YEARS HAVE PAST!! I love you Dekon Jonas Warren Gardner
So I started having contractions Tuesday mid morning. I was put into the hospital, things were going well, I was dilating slowly but surely. Doctor broke my water. time passes... See who our new president is.....contractions so strong. Things turn bad. His heartbeat pretty much stops, I'm fading in and out from being so tired. All the sudden I hear GET HER DOWNSTAIRS NOW! Josh wasn't allowed to come in with me. They knock me out and perform an emergency C-Section. (Which includes NO, ZERO, NADA pain medicine!) I come to ask what floor I'm on and if he's ok. They tell me things are fine. I get upstairs and Josh asks me what I want his name to be (we still hadn't set on one), I told him to pick. Josh comes back tells me is name is Dekon, it just fit. Then I hear they are sending my little one to Des Moines because he's not breathing on his own. So I get to see him, no holding, touching, see him and off he goes. I find out Josh hadn't even gotten to hold him!
We got calls and called Des Moines to see how he is doing, things are going good. He is breathing on his own and messing with a bottle. I got discharged at noon today, little over 24 hours later. I STILL HURT VERY MUCH, but vicodin is my friend and keeping me from crying when I move! We went up and saw Dekon today. And we were told begining of next week he should be able to come home. He just needs to learn to suck and swallow. Same problem Cooper had.
Dekon Jonas Warren Gardner, born November 5th, 2008 at 2:24 am
He weighed 5 lbs. 15 oz and was 17 inches long! Just a tiny thing!
IT IS SO HARD TO BELIEVE 2 YEARS HAVE PAST!! I love you Dekon Jonas Warren Gardner
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Update on baby #4
I often don't remember I am pregnant (meaning I don't feel it, not that I do harmful things to my baby) until I get up to walk! I am 23 weeks pregnant and this baby feels like it weighs 12 pounds! We went in Friday to have an ultrasound, we wanted to see if we could figure out the sex but it also needed checked out with my history of toxemia and gestational diabetes. Baby was being stubborn and didn't want to show us it's goods, it did get measured and somethings were measuring a week bigger than I am. The ultrasound lady went back to check if we could see between the legs and she often shook my tummy and kept calling baby a "Stinker!" Then she appoligized for calling it names but since we wanted to know the sex so did she! Finally we saw it..."the turtle head" yes that is what she called it, we are having another boy! I cried...I am happy that baby is healthy and doing good (him and to me) but as you all know I really wanted a girl. I feel everyone deserves a chance with both but hey sometimes you win sometimes you lose. I cried hard for awhile and when we got to the truck I looked at Josh and said, "I blame you!" lol He knows I was kidding...well kind of!
A few days later I came to realize I like sport events not dance recitals! Someone was looking out for me. Plus not sure I was ready for all that girl drama! My sister, Niki, also told me all I have to worry about is 4 penis' not all of Ellsworth Community College (since I like to say that is where Taye came from!)
A few days later I came to realize I like sport events not dance recitals! Someone was looking out for me. Plus not sure I was ready for all that girl drama! My sister, Niki, also told me all I have to worry about is 4 penis' not all of Ellsworth Community College (since I like to say that is where Taye came from!)
Monday, October 4, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Happy 5th Birthday Cooper Addison!

Today Cooper turns 5! I didn't think it bugged me that much til I woke up and took my blood sugar and it was over 100, it is supposed to be under 95. I then ate what I usually eat in the morning and it was 130, supposed to be under 120! So I am thinking it bothered me a little more than I thought....Anyway..
He asked me to make M&M cookies for his birthday treat at school, so being certified in food service and teach a nutrition class at daycare, I sent carrots too! When he got home from school Josh made him a cake with sprinkles, as requested. Then Grandma called and brought over his present, a couple of Power Rangers, all he wants now! New..old he doesn't care as long as they are Power Rangers.
We are holding off on a party for him since he is still to young for a "friends" party, they get that after they have been in school, and his cousins are in sports along with Taye. So October we will have a birthday party for Cooper and Dekon at Smith's pumpkin patch, hayride and con mase included! But we are taking him to Chuck E. Cheese on Saturday and we told him he could pick 1 school friend. He picked a girl! I said are you sure and he said yes..I want Taryn! We got a phone call tonight and she gets to go!! He is super excited, Zoe also gets to go along!
He got 2 phone calls tonight too! Merak and Madden called to sing "Happy Birthday" his face just lite up when they did that! And then Nini called and her and Zoe talked to him. I think that boy talked more on the phone to people than I do on my birthday!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
So excited!!
I get on to check on others blogs and what do I see? I HAVE 3 FOLLOWERS!!! I am totally excited!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
What's new?
Not alot going on since my last post. We signed Taye up for football again this year, he did REALLY well last year (biological father was supposedly the fastest kid in St. Louis) and well Taye's pretty fast! Cooper pulled a ticket in school, BIG SURPRISE, ok maybe not, my kids are pretty wild, surprised it didn't happen sooner! :) Dekon is getting closer to turning 2 but 18 months pants still fall off his butt! We are still slowly working on potty training. Gotta get him out of diapers before baby #4 comes along!!
I met with a dietary nurse to refresh me on what I can and can't eat. No test has shown that I have gestational diabetes but since I had it with Dek there is a good possibility I get it again. :( I like carbs!! I am poking myself when I wake and after every meal, my poor hands! But as long as the rest of the pregnancy goes well I'll be good! I am keeping my fingers crossed for a girl! My last kid I deserve one right?!?
I met with a dietary nurse to refresh me on what I can and can't eat. No test has shown that I have gestational diabetes but since I had it with Dek there is a good possibility I get it again. :( I like carbs!! I am poking myself when I wake and after every meal, my poor hands! But as long as the rest of the pregnancy goes well I'll be good! I am keeping my fingers crossed for a girl! My last kid I deserve one right?!?
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
First day of school 2010
Cooper Addison Tayeshun Kendall
Ausust 23 was the first day of Kindergarten for Cooper and 2nd grade for Tayeshun! Dekon doesn't know what to do in the mornings without his brothers here. He runs out of his room saying Taye...Coopy! I look at him and say their at school. So today he sat down at a bowl of dry cereal they lets out and ate it! I can't wait for them to actually have a full day of school though. The first three days they get out 90 minutes early! Since I work for the school I got to pop in at lunch time and see them both. Cooper was so excited to sit at the BIG lunch table and Taye had his first year of having salad bar! (He claims he took a salad) They got home from school talking about their day, but that was short lived before they started arguing over something. Boys will be boys I guess!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Middle of July already???
Not alot has happened this month so far. A whole 4 of us from work were in the Hardin County Fair parade for the daycare and as many know we got SOAKED! I ruined my phone but had a good time, it's been awhile since I played in the rain. Makes me think I need to do that with the boys when it rains some night. What's the harm?
My Sister had her baby last month and she is a little thing! I haven't been over there lately, I am trying to give them some family time before Eric leaves next month. Their whole family is there right now. Marrisa came after Eric got home from Minnesota for training.
Joshua works 12 hour shifts at Berry Plastics. He has for awhile. He seems to like, so do I, he gets everyother weekend off and 2 days off during the week.
Tayeshun and Cooper are going to Vacation Bible School this week. They both seem to enjoy it! Dekon is 20 months old already!
I have a new boss..she seems nice but haven't really gotten to know to her yet. She takes over in August. The new boss and old will be gone the last week of July which puts me in charge!
My 10 year class reunion is at the end of July, it will be nice to see everyone again! Well almost..I know some people can't make it which is ashame but I understand we are getting older and get busy!
That is about all I can think of for right now.

My Sister had her baby last month
Joshua works 12 hour shifts at Berry Plastics. He has for awhile. He seems to like, so do I, he gets everyother weekend off and 2 days off during the week.
Tayeshun and Cooper are going to Vacation Bible School this week. They both seem to enjoy it! Dekon is 20 months old already!
I have a new boss..she seems nice but haven't really gotten to know to her yet. She takes over in August. The new boss and old will be gone the last week of July which puts me in charge!
My 10 year class reunion is at the end of July, it will be nice to see everyone again! Well almost..I know some people can't make it which is ashame but I understand we are getting older and get busy!
That is about all I can think of for right now.

Nora Kalean Lindsey
June 24, 2010
7 lbs 0.5 oz
19 inches long
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Tattle Tale Tuesday
Tonight when driving home from T-ball with Taye the song "Fireflies" came on the radio. This is one of Taye's favorite songs, so we were both singing and all the sudden
Taye says "Mom what is a Zombie Ass?"
So I explained it to him and then he tells me that he thinks he's one!I laugh and asked "What?"
Taye- "He just said it in the song."
Me- "Imsomniac!"
Taye- "What is that?"
Monday, June 21, 2010
Busy weekend
Saturday was Tayeshun's 8th birthday, I know you are asking your self...Is she old enough to have an 8 year old?? Yes..yes I am! It was a great day for his party at Twister Park. His party was ARMY theme!
He invited 16 kids!! What was I thinking? And his party was 11-130, I didn't realize how long that was until Nate Kane asked me if I was sure?
Taye got lots of great presents. One of his friends asked him why he got all the cool presents?
He has loved Michael Jackson since we had him dress up as him for Halloween!
After the party we celebrated Father's Day with a grill out at my sister Niki's. It was so nice because all of my Dad's kids were there!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Now starts a journey
So we got Cooper's little potty out the other day thinking we might start attempting to potty train Dekon (19 months). When he woke up from his nap today he was still dry so we asked him if he wanted to use the big potty? He nodded yes so we put him on "his" potty. He sat there for awhile doing nothing then asked him if he was going to go and he said "no", so we kept him there fora little while longer. Then....HE WENT PEE!!!!! ~We all clapped and said yay!~ It was probably just a coincidence that it happened but we will try to keep on getting him to use potty. Taye and Cooper were both 3 before they were potty trained, let's break that cycle Dekon!!
Monday, June 14, 2010

I sit here looking thinking and I can't believe that Tayeshun, my oldest, will be 8 on Saturday! It is so crazy to think that I have an 8 year old.
In the 8 years he's been alive we have been through so much.
-finding out his "Dad" wasn't really his dad
-been cheated on and used
-5 different homes (well 2 are the same place)
-met a GREAT guy, Joshua
-went from a family of 2 to 3
-got engaged
-knocked a front tooth out (still out)
-became a family of 4 (Welcome Cooper Addison)
-potty trained
-became Gardner's
-moved into my childhood home
-started school
-diagnosed with ADHD
-became a family of 5 (Welcome Dekon Jonas Warren)
-missing 2 front teeth (kinda hard to bite things!)
I know many other things have happened in this amount of time.
I was only 20 when I had him but couldn't imagine my life any other way! There have been many problems but MANY good times too! I love you Tayeshun Kendall Sly, you will always have a special place in my heart. It used to be you and me again the world!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Just keep trying
So..Jen had her baby, Niki keeps having contrations. Little Miss Nora wants out when Mommy us at home but when they get to the hospital she becomes stubborn and stops! I am reading about all these people that are pregnant and it makes me sad. I knew losing a baby was hard but didn't know out of nowhere I would get sad and just start crying. I mean I am so happy for Niki, Jen and all the people expecting, after all I have been blessed with 3 children. I just wish I could have been pregnant with my sister or best friend. I am so jealous of Kristin and Bridget, they got to go through everything together and weren't that far apart on due dates. This is Niki's last pregnancy, after Nora comes they are done. My sister-in-law Michelle is done and Lisa and Jason are still trying but they don't live here. :(
People say I am crazy since all the stuff I have gone through with my last 2 kids. I had toxemia with Cooper and he was a month early and put in the NICU. I then was admitted back into the hospital for having fluid in my lungs and around my heart (I was in a padded bed because I was boarderline seizers) and could have died. Then with Dekon I had gestational (got that under control right away) but then had to have an emergency C-section and he was given CPR because he wasn't breathing when he was born and then sent to the NICU also. I then got infection in my stomach from my C-section and was cut open on the table with NO NUMBING MEICATION! just a scalpel! (It took me months to talk about this, I cried for weeks. I hope no one ever has to go through that)
Like I said I am happy for all these people having babies! I just feel a little selfish. My "baby" was due on my Husbands birthday. And now that will be another day he is depressed. :(
Sorry to vent but this is a blog and it's not like anyone follows me.
People say I am crazy since all the stuff I have gone through with my last 2 kids. I had toxemia with Cooper and he was a month early and put in the NICU. I then was admitted back into the hospital for having fluid in my lungs and around my heart (I was in a padded bed because I was boarderline seizers) and could have died. Then with Dekon I had gestational (got that under control right away) but then had to have an emergency C-section and he was given CPR because he wasn't breathing when he was born and then sent to the NICU also. I then got infection in my stomach from my C-section and was cut open on the table with NO NUMBING MEICATION! just a scalpel! (It took me months to talk about this, I cried for weeks. I hope no one ever has to go through that)
Like I said I am happy for all these people having babies! I just feel a little selfish. My "baby" was due on my Husbands birthday. And now that will be another day he is depressed. :(
Sorry to vent but this is a blog and it's not like anyone follows me.
Monday, May 24, 2010
It's a Monday
Nothing makes a Monday better than getting to work and 1 -2 minutes later having your youngest get sick ALL over you! He didn't get much on him but I had to come home shower and change!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
Life As I know It
So my Husband's job SUCKS!! So many people are leaving or being fired and there is only a like 4 "press operators" left on 3rd shift and they are making them work manditory over time. This week he has to go in early Monday, Wednesday and Friday (usually a day off). So his 2 days he goes in at normal time we (Taye and Cooper) have soccer!
Then, I work at daycare and don't work full time, get payed once a MONTH. So if, I said IF we have any time together we don't have the funds to go anywhere.
Why didn't anyone ever tell us growing up sucks??
Ok...enough whining! On a good note Dekon and I get to go to the zoo with Cooper's head start class tomorrow. That should be fun, I just hope Dekon is good and I remember to stop an get Niki's stroller for him. I'm gonna be so angry if I forget that stroller!
Happy Monday!
Then, I work at daycare and don't work full time, get payed once a MONTH. So if, I said IF we have any time together we don't have the funds to go anywhere.
Why didn't anyone ever tell us growing up sucks??
Ok...enough whining! On a good note Dekon and I get to go to the zoo with Cooper's head start class tomorrow. That should be fun, I just hope Dekon is good and I remember to stop an get Niki's stroller for him. I'm gonna be so angry if I forget that stroller!
Happy Monday!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Boys will be boys!
So Taye and Cooper were upstairs playing in Taye's room before bed time, they do this Monday's so I can watch "One Tree Hill", and all the sudden I hear a hollar coming from the stairs. Taye opens the door and yells down at me, "Cooper peed on me!" I hollared for Cooper to come down and asked him if he peed on Taye? He said "yes:, so of course I asked "why?" Cooper's reply was "He told me I have a vagina! And I don't so I peed on him!" I told Cooper he gets to sleep in the pee pee bed and Taye gets to sleep in Cooper's room. After the doors were shut all I could do was smile because it was the dumbest/funniest thing I had heard in awhile. Gotta love 7 and 4 year old boys!
I <3 my children!
I <3 my children!
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