Tuesday, April 5, 2011

No April Fools Joke

8 AM Friday morning we get a phone call from the school saying we needed to come pick up Cooper because he was given an OUT OF SCHOOL SUSPENSION!!  Cooper is 5 and in Kindergarten.  My first thoughts were what could my innocent son have done to get kicked out of school?  Yes, he is a typical boy/5 year old and gets into trouble for talking and hitting.  When he gets home I find out he was hitting kids with his backpack (like normal) but also told a kid he was going to kill them!  WHAT???  I was shocked we don't say things like that here, well maybe things like "Go do it, it's NOT going to kill you!"  But since the school has a no tolerance policy he had to be sent home.  I totally understand.  But since he got sent home from school he got to sit at the kitchen table, all day!  No toys, no colors and paper, just sit there and when it was time for nap he got to do it on the kitchen floor, yes he got his pillow and blanket, but he wasn't going to be comfortable!  I asked him if he was ever going to get into trouble like that again and he said no!  He also had to miss his first soccer practice.  We took this very seriously!  I know hope he won't ever say anything like that again!

Doesn't he look sweet?  Ok, you can see that naughty in him alot!

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